Exclusive Dive Safaris and Dive Trips

Original photos and videos from various destinations we have visited.

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NiCe Madagascar
Dive Safari Group Trip

In the fall of 2023, we, along with Mario Passoni from the World Sustainability Foundation, explored Madagascar. Beautiful excursions and exciting underwater encounters awaited us.

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NiCe Dive Trip Saudi Arabia

NiCe Dive & Trips right in the midst of it, not just on the sidelines.
Jeddah and the Farasan Banks have captured our hearts.

March 2023

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NiCe Saudi Arabia
Dive Safari Group Trip

Moon Valley
Dive Safari at the Farasan Banks
Away from mass tourism - an absolute must for adventurers and those who prefer exclusive travel experiences.

Tauchurlaub in México

NiCe Dive Trip Mexico

NiCe Dive & Trips visiting the sea lions on the west coast of the Sea of Cortez.

May 2023

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NiCe Dive Safari Egypt

Brothers Island - Daedalus - Elphinstone

Tauchurlaub Südafrika

NiCe Dive Trip South Africa

NiCe on the road with African Watersport and the shark legend Walter Bernardis.
Bull sharks, blacktip reef sharks, and tiger sharks, absolutely incredible.

Tauchurlaub Thailand

NiCe Dive Trip Thailand

We visited the west coast of Thailand, specifically Khao Lak and Phuket.
Diving took place at the Similan Islands, where there is incredible marine life and a fascinating landscape with rock formations.

Tauchurlaub Malediven

NiCe Dive Trip Maldives

The Maldives, with its dreamy islands and diverse underwater world, is a must-visit for many. Mantas, sharks, turtles, and much more await in this diving paradise. We visited islands like Angaga and Mirihi.

Tauchsafari Malediven

NiCe Dive Safari Maldives

For those who love dive safaris, the Maldives is a must-consider destination. With 3-4 dives per day, BBQs on islands, warm water temperatures, and the chance for various underwater sightings, it's a diver's paradise. NiCe was on board the Nautilus Two, a super comfortable boat with a very friendly and service-oriented crew.

Tauchreise Mosambik

NiCe Dive Trip Mozambique and South Africa

Africa, a continent that guarantees diversity. On our journey, we first visited Mozambique, where we spent several days diving and were constantly amazed. Besides our Zodiac, humpback whales breached the water, the occasional whale shark passed by, and mantas, along with numerous schools of fish, swam past us while diving. After that, we headed to Kruger National Park for the Big Five. An unforgettable journey with many special experiences.