Friend of the Sea®
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Friend of the Sea was founded in 2008 by Dr. Paolo Bray, the European Director of the Dolphin-Safe project of the Earth Island Institute, which saved millions of dolphins from death in tuna nets.
Friend of the Sea is a project of the World Sustainability Organization, an international organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation.
Friend of the Sea has established certification standards for products and services that ensure a respectful and protective approach to the marine environment. The certification focuses on sustainable practices in various areas, including fisheries, aquaculture, fishmeal, and omega-3 fish oil. In addition, Friend of the Sea initiates pilot projects in various sectors, such as restaurants, sustainable shipping, whale and dolphin watching, aquariums, ornamental fish trade, UV creams.
Key principles of Friend of the Sea:
- Sustainable Fishing: Friend of the Sea advocates for fishing practices that ensure fish stocks are naturally maintained and prevent overfishing.
- Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture: Friend of the Sea promotes responsible aquaculture methods that minimize environmental impact and protect biodiversity.
- Protection of Endangered Species: Friend of the Sea emphasizes the protection of endangered marine species and their habitats to maintain balance in the ecosystem.
- Transparency and Traceability: Companies bearing the Friend of the Sea seal commit to transparent business practices and traceability of their products back to their origin.
- Support for Sustainable Businesses: By supporting companies with the Friend of the Sea seal, consumers actively contribute to steering the fishing and aquaculture industry towards sustainability.
An excerpt of the projects by Friend of the Sea:
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Save the Turtles
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Save the Sharks
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