Travel Blog Saudi Arabia 2024

Group Trip - Diving Expedition - Saudi Arabia 2024

February 24th - March 2nd, 2024
(Land stay + Diving Safari at the Farasan Banks)

March 2nd - March 9th, 2024
(Saudi Arabia Diving Safari at the Farasan Banks)

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Click here to go to our detailed travel blog of our Saudi Group Tour 2023. 

In 2024, we once again embarked on our journey to Saudi Arabia. The itinerary included two group trips.

With the first group, we spent a few days in Jeddah beforehand, where we visited the historic district of Al Balad and went on a hike in the Moon Valley.

Afterwards, our actual Saudi Arabia diving expedition began at the southern reefs of the Farasan Banks.

We welcomed the second group aboard the diving safari ship M/Y Almonda in Port Al Lith. This time, our route took us to the northern dive sites of the Farasan Banks.

Our diving safaris were amazing! We had a lot of fun, and the dives were top-notch.

In our travel blog for our Saudi Arabia group trip in 2023, you can find detailed information about Jeddah, the historic district, the Moon Valley, and Saudi Arabia.